Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In a recent sermon series, we have been confronted with the truth that not all relationships are worth having. At least, they should be filed in the appropriate sector for the good of our souls.
My years in college were filled with many relationships, but I'll never forget the relationships I had with the new freshmen who just arrived to TTU's campus.
The campus ministry I was involved in would make every effort to get connected with people early in the year. We would swarm the dorms on move in day just to meet and help out people in hopes to share the good news of Christ with them. We would then proceed to wave bye to their moms and dads and show them around campus. Our tour would always involve a trip to the UC.
On the path from the dorms to the UC there is a belly-button high bush about six foot in length and 3-4 foot wide. The bush is pretty, nice and green, and groomed properly. Every year we would pick the most athletic guy hanging out with us and peer pressure him into jumping the bush. Before you start hurling your stones of judgment at me, let me tell you the bush is jump-able. I've seen several people clear it with no problem. The part that is sooo funny is that not everyone clears the bush.
I left out (as I did when I would challenge the freshmen) the description of the 2 inch needle like thorns the bush had hidden in its clutches. Waiting to claw their way into the freshman's flesh as they were trying to show off their athleticism at their new home. Many guys found the thorns after the landing!
I have to be honest, I did this for the enjoyment of pulling a prank on the new guy. I loved it! I wasn't really a good friend to these guys. I was using them as a selfish form of entertainment. This story is connected to the sermon we heard.
Our pastor made several points about the differences between having friends, counsel, and evangelistic relationships. We as Christians have friends who are Christians (or at least claim to be) in whom we wouldn't confide in. And our relationships should look that way! We should properly confide in older more mature Christians that will help us on our marathon to Jesus. I need to watch out for those who would talk me into "jumping the bushes" without my good in mind. My counsel will point out the thorns when my friends may not even know the thorns exist.
And be sure the strongest warning is against confiding in those who are non-Christian. I think this is the most tempting for those who aren't involved in a strong church. Where the advice of the members is not that different from that of the non-Christian. Sad, huh? I've seen it. People turn to non-Christians for their thoughts and get crazy answers like, "Just follow your heart," or, "Do what you want," or the advice comes through the lifestyle of the person being questioned. Let's be honest...non-Christians have idols like: Self satisfaction, Materialism, and Comfort. Why do you think Oprah and Dr. Phil make so much money? They will tell you what you want to hear so that you will watch their show. DON'T Listen to the LOST over GOD's wise counsel in your life. The result may be worse than the thorns of the freshman bush.

Do you have any thoughts about this subject? Have you proven these truth from experiences on either side?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Public Education

The Demise of Public Education

Recently, I have been reading a ton of articles on public education I gathered up for some research. Honestly, I was discouraged. This slug of a public education system we have is struggling to keep its head above water. While the blame for the failure is placed on the teachers, the real problem is the foundational beliefs driving public education. I am a teacher; I have 3 certifications and I'm working on my Master's degree, but public education may not be the best work in the future. I think it may end up like the US Postal Service, which is slowly grinding to a halt as people figure out how to go purely electronic. Its demise may have began not too long ago.

These things are related because there is a plethora of education materials out there for students of all ages. Just check out wolframalpha.com some time. While you're at it, look at owl.perdue.edu. These are just a couple of sites dedicated to knowledge. Public education mainly follows the Greek philosophy of learning. Simply put this is the idea of an expert imparting knowledge to non-experts. Basically the transition of knowledge is the essence of education. In the schools it is the teachers transmitting knowledge of a subject to a student. This seems like a great idea if the information wasn't already floating around cyber-space ripe for the picking. So my thought is this: we really don't have a need for teachers, just a basic understanding of how to get information (and motivation to do so) and the process is complete. I guess I'm saying my job is useless... You can find what I know by looking for 10 minutes on google! I hope the system doesn't figure this out soon!

The failure of the public education system has been in the spot light for a while now. I know this is an unprovable thought but I think it is because of what God teaches in the Bible. I get this from my recent reading in Proverbs. Chapter 1 says this, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7 ESV). Logically, then it is true to say Fear of God= beginning of knowledge. Then the inverse is true No Fear of God= No beginning of knowledge. Obviously, there is no fear of God in public education, so there is no knowledge, right? Well, there is knowledge at school, but knowledge my point is that it has no real value if it doesn't deal with the fear of Him. I suppose all knowledge is from God, but He is the source of true and valuable (as He defines value) knowledge.

"I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge—" (1 Corinthians 1:4-5 ESV). I think this teaches in grace through Christ our knowledge is enriched to true knowledge of God. The knowledge of God is the only truly valuable knowledge because it leads to the salvation of one's soul.

For some further reading on some of the problems with Public Education:


This is just scratching the surface of the gigantic problem of education. I would love to hear some of your thoughts (reader) about it.