Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Brazil and God's Goodness

God is so Good! He has been teaching me so much about Himself and His mission.
About five years ago I began my relationship with Christ and He began to teach me about who He is and what He desires to be done in the world. He wants to know me and guide me because He cares about me and He wants me to tell others about His comin
g and their purpose as He defines it. About three years after I became a Christian I had an oppourtunity to learn about His desire for me to tell others with Campus Outreach ( We went to Belo Horizonte, Brazil for 8 weeks. I didn't know it but God had a bigger plan in store for me the whole time.

So we fast forward through the last two years and now I am about to graduate from Tennessee Technologic
al University May 5th, 2007. As I look out across the gulf of my future I am amazed at the oppourtunities God has given me for my future (Jeremiah 29:11). I will be spending one year in Belo Horizonte, Brazil as a missionary for the Gospel of Christ. Praise God!!! He is surely the author of this!!! I will be raising money the next 29 days so I can leave on May 15th, 2007.

My work there will be with Campus Outreach Brazil Team. I will be on staff working to share Christ's Love with recent graduate students from the local University (Federal University of Minas Gerais, UFMG) and using English as an oppourtunity to teach the Gospel to students. I am really excited about Brazil and the gospel of Christ being spread where He wants it to go. I listed some request below.

Please Pray:
-That GOD would move people's hearts to join with me in Brazil
-That the Graduate Communities would fall deeper in Love with Christ
-God will prepare my heart to share and Brazilian's hearts to be shared with
-GOD will supply all my needs as He promises to do in His word